A Beginner's Guide To VRF Air Conditioning Technology
Air conditioning technology continues to grow by leaps and bounds. While this is an exciting fact where efficiency and performance are concerned, it often leaves many homeowners in the dark about the various options available. If you would like to learn more about one exciting new development in air conditioning today, read on. This article will introduce you to the world of variable refrigerant flow air conditioning systems.
The Basics
At first glance, a variable refrigerant flow—also referred to as a VRF—system is much like a traditional air conditioner. Both types of air conditioner utilize refrigerant and are air cooled. Likewise, both systems involve a single outdoor condenser box. This is where the refrigerant is conditioned—in other words, where the warmed refrigerant is condensed back into a denser state.
The principle difference between traditional and VRF systems is that a traditional system utilizes just one fan coil unit. This is where the actual cooling takes place. As refrigerant is pumped from the condenser through this coil, it cools the air, which is circulated throughout your house by the blower system.
VRF systems are distinguished by the fact that they utilize multiple fan coil units. These units are located in different places throughout your home. The amount of refrigerant being pumped to a particular unit can be altered in order to meet different cooling needs. Thus, when the hot afternoon sun is heating up the west side of your house, those fan coil units will receive more refrigerant, while those on the shady side will receive less.
Benefits Of VRF
There are many benefits to VRF air conditioning. Perhaps the most important is that it allows your HVAC system to operate with a much greater degree of efficiency. That's because the system is able to respond to the conditions at any particular time. As a result, the air conditioner knows when to operate at a lower capacity—or even to shut off entirely.
VRF systems also tend to be much quieter than traditional air conditioners. A lot of the noise associated with standard systems is caused by the single, large fan coil unit. Each of the multiple fan coil units used in VRF systems are much smaller, and thus produce far less noise.
Things To Consider
If you are in need of a new air conditioner and think that a VRF system might represent a better choice for your home, it is important to consider a few additional things. First off, be aware that the initial price tag of a VRF system will be somewhat higher. This reflects the more sophisticated equipment involved as well as the fact that more highly trained installers will be needed. Fortunately, over time you will be able to recoup much of this outlay through savings in your monthly energy bill.
For more information, contact local professionals like Nebraska Heating & Air.